Sunday, January 10, 2010

Breast Cancer Alternatives Does Anyone Know What Treatment Suzanne Summers Rec'd For The Breast Cancer She Had?

Does anyone know what treatment Suzanne Summers rec'd for the breast cancer she had? - breast cancer alternatives

Suzanne Summers had breast cancer and by all accounts, she is now cancer free. He was (diagnosed in 2001). I wonder what is the alternative cancer treatment you received? My sister has breast cancer and seek alternative treatments. Thank you!


lo_mcg said...

Quijjibored I agree with most of the people who make claims of miraculous cures cancer ", a conventional treatment, but to say - and believe - this is a treatment option that has been, was to get the job done. This is obviously the case of Suzanne Summers.

Please note that the word choice in this context means "not proven". When a drug has been tested and proven to work, it is not "alternative medicine" it is "medicine".

Wherever there are people eager to cancer by desperate people their money on ineffective treatments and sometimes even dangerous.

If you attempt a "private alternative, take a search on some facts before you invest money, hope, and (most dangerous of all time) on something other than work and effective treatment is delayed.

There is no possibility that Suzanne Summers or patients with breast cancer know that they are "free to cancer - breast-CANcer can occur at any time, even years after the diagnosis and treatment.

The conventional treatment is not perfect, far from it, but we know - because it has been rigorously tested and proven in double blind, peer-reviewed clinical studies - that many lives saved and lasts much longer. Lack of alternative treatment "has been tested and proved in this direction.

I was sympathetic to the desire for alternative, less invasive search, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003, I was something of an enthusiast alternatives. No one is my chemotherapy! I researched in depth and within a month had changed his mind, realizing that other treatments have not only ineffective but also an industry of millions of pounds of my money.

Summers clearly decided against the chemo, I people who knew this and in all cases, cancer is low grade and early stage - After the review, the Court decided that the benefits of chemotherapy in your particular case, not worth it. This is the kind of information that is not on Summers & #039; cancer - in his stage and take into account class, the number of nodes, which - taken before chemotherapy factors to consider in decline and their doctors before deciding whether to have taken recommend how much chemotherapy.

I was stage 3 grade 3 breast cancer with 13 lymph nodes (the aggressive and may spread more widely). I had surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. More than four years after diagnosis, I am fit and healthy with no signs of cancer during routine examinations more.

My best wishes for your sister for the treatment

Indian Guru said...

Father of anthroposophic medicine, was a respected and well-published genius who came of age during the intellectual stimulation of the pre-war Austria. Their desire to join their spiritual epiphanies and innovative teaching approaches to education (Waldorf schools), art has economics, medicine and philosophy of the birth of a dozen worldwide movements in the early twentieth century. ,

Check this site for the history details ...

quijibor... said...

Do not assume that the only treatments Suzanne Summers treatments for breast cancer were alternatives. Most people have had healed with alternative treatments for cancer and serious conventional treatment, opt out of the credit for curing only a portion of the alternative treatments that make the most beautiful gift, the model of your belief system. The same goes for Lorraine Day, who claims to be, was also true of breast cancer cured by alternative treatments, but also a traditional treatment.

Not heal No surgery and radiotherapy. Was this grass, which I sell for $ 99 per bottle.

If your sister had breast cancer, be aware that the window is limited to healing and wasting time by avoiding the traditional treatment when the cancer costs are divided and distributed. Please do not waste your sister the chance to pursue quick fixes, for there is no single solution. Yes, surgery and radiation stinks, but has provedin the treatment and cure of cancer. Good luck

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