Saturday, February 20, 2010

Where To Buy Old Spice Cologne What's The Best Scent For A Young Man?

What's the best scent for a young man? - where to buy old spice cologne

I will be 20 in a few weeks, and I think it's time I learn a thing or two about the sweet.

I never used any kind of Cologne or anything before, so I do not know much.

For example, how can I know what it smells good on me? If I every day or only on special occasions? Where can I get something of quality is good, but at a reasonable price?

I use Old Spice deodorant, if it helps, but I do not use any other scented products such as shampoo or shaving or something. I mean, who use them, just the smell of soap, pure and simple.

So what is a good smell of a man 20 years? Looking for something more manly, a kind of complex butfor outdoor activities. Something that says: "I'm 40th" Or even worse: "I'm 75".


I know the muffin man said...

Armani Code
oh so hot.

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