Sunday, February 14, 2010

Looking In Vigina I Got A German Shephard Shes Abot 9months When I Got Her She Had A Big Belly Could She Be Pregnant Or N Heat?

I got a german shephard shes abot 9months when i got her she had a big belly could she be pregnant or n heat? - looking in vigina

I noticed the symptoms, larger breasts, abdomen, but only inlarging also saw some relief in your area as a Venn veginal look larger than normal because I want to make sure doll


Princess... said...

Wrong section.

Come back when you are pregnant or in heat.

sunshiny... said...

When I was in the heat, she would recognize a bad smell, blood-stained fluid. If your pet in the back (goes from neck to tail), he will drop his hips and tail-tail on one side and moaning.

What is more pregnant with Teets enlarged stomach, so there are other things could this pregnancy. The worms can cause discomfort for a dog to be important. Watch him to the vet.

You should be sterilized in any case her. Livestock income at this time (farmers backyard like you) is incredibly ignorant and irresponsible. Have you any idea how many dogs and puppies are killed nationwide each week? Miles: ** ** It does not matter. People like you are just there for the money and everyone is trying to improve TRace to control genetic defects, etc. It is a sad shame.

maryjane (mother of Kahley) said...

Animals are pregnant for about 12 weeks or less. Who are not pregnant for 9 months as human beings. I want to bring the dog to the vet, because this is not obviously Mormal.

4/21/201... said...

Wrong post .... Maybe you're in the "pets" section ... The pregnancy of the people ...

King Les The Lofty said...

First, there is no such thing as a shepherd, "German".
My race was developed for sheep in the way the German border controls when its real name (German Shepherd) accurately translated as the German shepherd - three words of 3 letters, GSD, short.

Second, EAEC is very slow maturation to breed. At 9 months, is a GSD as mature as 10-11 years-old daughter - she may be pregnant, but she needs your food for their own development, implementation and not twins or triplets, and not feed that mentally mature enough to do have the patience to raise a good job to have puppies.
Nobody with half a brain, preferably a few GSD less than 22 months - more than 3 years. Neither the person half matt half of the brain or large dogs wiHip Thout up to the elbow and the results for both parents and 4 grandparents.

Thirdly, it is not quality breeding. No need to ask questions and raise a dog breeding quality. If your breeding quality has prompted
• Your Breeder
• Your mentor Race
• Experienced members of the club, where they train and compete, to learn about the breed and to show his best, I think it is.

Click ... in order to see the real thing GSD breeders deem to be necessary for the breeding and the stud before a mating.

Http: / / / Group / The_G ... Add to your browser or favorites, allowing you to navigate easily, such as food,Vaccinations, weights, clubs, teeth, sterilization, disease. Then you start the study of race, if you want to be a farmer.

A big belly could be caused by the pregnancy, swelling, by pyometritis, malnutrition, liver, worms, and probably many other things.

It can be both pregnant and heat. So ....
• If you are pregnant and pyometritis discharge is very likely.
• If they in the heat, but her belly is swollen, then they have problems - problems that must be paid for a cure.
To book your veterinarian for a complete physical examination. The veterinarian may need to examine an x-ray of the abdomen to see how many puppies are and at what stage of pregnancy they were obtained.

Pyometritis is an emergencySterilization, followed by antibiotics, which have to spend a few days with the vet on an IV.

It should be 10-11 months old before being neutered, but if she is 9 months, and malnourished pregnant after sterilization should now after receiving a nutritious diet with raw meat as a main ingredient.
Les P, owner of GSD_Friendly: ...
"In GSDS" of 1967

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